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#6 (126), December 2020 To increase


#6 (126), December 2020


About relations with investors, the future of Kashagan, the dispute with KPO, and nationalization

About relations with investors, the future of Kashagan, the dispute with KPO, and nationalization

Beket Izbastin, General Director of PSA LLP, the authorized body in production sharing agreements, answers questions from Petroleum 

Lessons from the pandemic for Karachaganak

Lessons from the pandemic for Karachaganak

Edwin Blom, General Director of Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V. (KPO), in an exclusive interview with Oleg Chervinskiy, publisher of Petroleum Journal, tells about the company's work in the context of the pandemic, the progress of implementation of investment projects, and prospects for the development of the Karachaganak field.

Oil Generals

Honesty, respect and duty - the pillars I was raised on

Honesty, respect and duty - the pillars I was raised on
Interview with Ravil Cherdabayev, the hero of the book “The First Minister of Oil. Ravil Cherdabayev"

Sustainable Development

KPO conducted first online workshop on development of key business competencies for WKO SMEs

Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V. (KPO) launched an online training program for representatives of WKO small and medium enterprises (SME) on development of core competencies in business among local entrepreneurs.

Results and Prospects

Strategies of oil and gas players: between COVID-19 and energy transition

Strategies of oil and gas players: between COVID-19 and energy transition

A decline in economic activity this spring caused by the COVID-19 outbreak and the ensuing massive lockdowns has led to a drastic fall in global demand, combined with a crash in energy prices, with the oil market taking the hardest hit.

Not the best year

Not the best year

The year 2020, which is coming to its end, turned out to be quite difficult for Kazakhstan's oil and gas industry.

Analysis of goods procurement by oil companies in Kazakhstan

Based on procurement reports submitted by oil-producing companies to the Subsoil Users Report System of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2019, the Association of Oil Service Companies of Kazakhstan conducted a detailed analysis of goods purchased by oil-producing companies at the end of 2019.


State Accounting of Employment Agreements: Practical Tips for Employers to Work with the Unified Employment Agreements Accounting System

State Accounting of Employment Agreements: Practical Tips for Employers to Work with the Unified Employment Agreements Accounting System

Continued.  Please see beginning in article: Yemelyanova, L. A. Unified Employment Agreements Accounting System and Other Important Changes in Labor Legislation.  Petroleum, No. 4, 2020.