Elections. Afterwards
The president of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, registered as candidate for the highest state office in the country. As you know, on February 14, on the Valentine's day, the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan admitted in love to the head of State and urged their deputies group in the Majilis of the Parliament to take the initiative to hold early presidential elections.
Europe: Energy Union as a New Energy Paradigm? Security and Independence is a Key Strategy for the EU
European Commission published the Concept of the Energy Union on February 25. It should be recognized that the forthcoming establishment of the Energy Union means the next stage of deepening the integration process. This Union will be the third integration model after creating the Monetary Union (with its supranational currency-Euro and its management body-the European Central Bank) and Banking Union (with the creation of a single supervisory authority over the European banks).
The Treasures of Atyrau
Atyrau’s coat of arms reflects its two treasures: oil and fish. Missing from the coat of arms is one more treasure – the people. As it turns out, Atyrau gave our country a panoply of talented figures who left a legacy in the history.
Atyrau Oil & Gas
Kazakhstani Content Development in Tengizchevroil LLP
Tengizchevroil (TCO) continues to increase its investment in Kazakhstani Content (KC) goods and services year after year. Since 2002, when TCO spent $415 million on Kazakhstani goods and services, the company has significantly increased its KC investments. In 2014 TCO spent a record $2.4 billion on goods and services from domestic suppliers.
Post-Drilling Well Development with Use of Flaksokor 110 Acid Solution
Oil and gas well productivity largely depends on the condition of bottomhole formation zone. One of the important factors influencing its condition is physical and chemical effect of drilling mud in the primary formation drilling.
As a result of penetration of drilling fluids in net oil and gas zones, the deterioration of permeability and porosity of the pay zone and the formation of a zone with reduced compared to the native permeability occur.
Maritime Operations: How to Save Cost in Crisis Time?
Nabil Ben Soussia, the Regional Director of IEC Telecom in Kazakhstan,answered the questions of Petroleum.
The maritime operations in Caspian Sea are going slower than planned especially with new reality of low oil prices? How do you plan to develop your maritime business?
This is a new reality in Caspian Sea but not for us as we used to work in other places around the word very sensitive to cost and I would say that those regions are better equipped today than the Kazakhstan fleet.
Composition of Experience and Innovation
Triol Corporation is a composition of experience and innovation; young and talented specialists and experienced managers; development, manufacture, reliable supply and service support in different parts of the world.
Triol Corporation started its scientific, technical, industrial and commercial activities in 1993.
Secure Transmission. Security of Particularly Valuable Information
Now, when it seems possible to track down any information flow, the issue of data transmission security is extremely important. Especially if you need to deliver information fast, ideally - in real-time. A secure corporate network is necessary for such a task.
The information, timely delivered via reliable channels, guarantees the constant monitoring of work that, in turn, allows you to quickly make decisions. In addition, with the continued transfer of data in real time, you can, if necessary, consult an expert on customer’s side and he will not need to travel to a site to review the available materials.
Subsurface Integration and Surveillance
Optimal data integration for faster, better decisions.
Software platform:ExxonMobil Shared Earth Environment (EMseetm).
Integrating geoscience and engineering data with greater efficiency.
Unique capabilities to analyze and internet subsurface data.
Eurasia: Known Better Days
Shocking drop in the global oil prices, which happened at the end of the last year and the beginning of this year, has seriously complicated the implementation of an ambitious project, created to support the investment image of Kazakhstan, damaged due to Kashagan issues, on the one hand, and to replenish its resources of oil and gas, on the other.
Pre-Salt Oil
In the last year and a half, dramatically increased subsalt oil exploration has become a steady tendency in oil search in the Atyrau region. Such works are more expensive, the risks of loss are much higher, but the companies are not stopped with this. After all, the stakes are higher as well – it is these horizons, where future large discoveries are expected.
KPO Announces Senior Management Changes
Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V. (KPO) announced on April 01, 2015 two seniormanagement appointments. Renato Maroli takes over from Damiano Ratti as the new KPO General Director, whilst Andrew Wiper steps in as the new Operations Director and Deputy General Director.
Current Issues of the Subsoil Use Legislation
The Law on Subsoil and Subsoil Use dated 24 June 2010 (The Subsoil Use Law) regulates one of the most important areas of social relations in modern Kazakhstan. The Law on Subsoil is targeted to protect interests of the country and to achieve rational and comprehensive study and use of subsoil. Concise, effective and objective regulation of this area is very crucial for Kazakhstan as never before, and will be an enormous contribution (a “pledge” or a “guarantee”), into the long term and permanent investment into the areas of oil and gas and mining industry, taking into account the global economic disturbances.