2015: more defeats than victories
The Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan has announces the annual data forthe oil and gas industry. Across almost all key indicators the industry showed a decline compared with 2014, primarily as a result of changed prices, as well as the delay in the launch of theKashagan Field.
Oil will remain a unique product at least until the end of the century
Major oil companies in Kazakhstan still have profits,resulting from oil production, and the brownfield operators are already operating at a loss. The Deputy General Director of the Kazakh Institute of Oil and Gas Akbar Tukayev will explain the presentsituation in the industryduring a brief interview to KazTAG: whether the costs invested in Kashagan field will be recovered and should we expect the cost of gasoline to reduce.
The Issue’s Focus: Caspian
Future Belongs To Smart Fields
Kurmangazy Iskaziev, CEO of KMG EP, interviewed by Petroleum magazine
Ready for a spill Topical aspects of building the vessels for the oil spill response on the Caspian Sea offshore
High Temperature Resistant Polyethylene – New Solution for Oil and Gas Industry
Corrosion of steel pipes is a serious problem for the oil and gas industry; it requires frequent pipe
replacement and causes additional spending. In some cases, steel pipes can be substituted with corrosion resistant polyethylene pipes.
TCO 2015 Year in Review
Tengizchevroil (TCO) remains a leader in the oil and gas industry of Kazakhstan. In 2015, TCO successfully achieved production milestones and excelled in a number of key areas.
Experience in creating high-pressure pumps for oil fields of the Middle East
This article describes subjects related to the design, manufacture and testing in accordance with the requirements of international standards of ATNSDp240-1422 pumping units, intended for operation in hard-to-reach areas with severe environmental conditions that require equipment with high reliability and durability.
KPO Held Contractors’ Conference On Environmental Aspects Management During Fulfilment Of Contractual Obligations
10 March 2016 - Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V. (KPO) held a Conference ‘’Management of Significant Environmental Aspects When Performing Contractual Obligations: Control Measures”. The event was attended by representatives of 53 Kazakhstani and international contractors of KPO.
Oftum: bright world without lenses and eyeglasses
According to statistics, today every third resident of the planet before 30 years of age suffers from myopia. This is the payback of humankind for the blessings of civilization that we use in the twenty-first century.
Interteach Corporation:
In 1989 with the support of the European Regional Bureau of the World Health Organization (Copenhagen, Denmark) International School of Public Health was organized. Later, in 1991 school was transformed into Kazakh health and medical insurance corporation Interteach.