TechnologyGood Vibrations: How Upending Convention Led to a Game-Changing Drilling Innovation#3 (123), June 2020![]() In2009, ExxonMobil engineers drilling into deep offshore oil deposits in the Gulf of Mexico unexpectedly encountered particularly hard and abrasive rock formation. Instead of taking the drill bit half a day to drill through this formation, it ultimately took four runs, or trips in and out of the hole, and three weeks. Developing scalable technology solutions#1 (121), February 2020![]() ExxonMobll has bееn at the forefront of many technologies that have enabled energy to bе produced and delivered in а safe, affordable and sustainable manner. Good Vibrations: How Upending Convention Led to a Game-Changing Drilling Innovation#6 (120), December 2019![]() In2009, ExxonMobil engineers drilling into deep offshore oil deposits in the Gulf of Mexico unexpectedly encountered particularly hard and abrasive rock formation. Instead of taking the drill bit half a day to drill through this formation, it ultimately took four runs, or trips in and out of the hole, and three weeks. Highlight from the 2018 Outlook for Energy#5 (119), October 2019The Outlook is ExxonMobil’s global view of energy demand and supply through 2040. ExxonMobil uses a data-driven, bottom-up approach to help produce a comprehensive view of future energy demand and supply that recognizes the dual challenge of providing affordable energy to support prosperity while reducing environmental impacts. Delivering the Future of Energy in Clinton#3 (117), June 2019![]() At ExxonMobil’s research facility in Clinton, New Jersey, scientists and engineers develop breakthrough technologies, collaborating with universities, national labs and companies acroos the globe to solve the dual energy challenge – to provide energy to a growing global population while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Subsurface Integration and Surveillance#2 (116), April 2019Safety Excellence – Model by ExxonMobil#1 (115), February 2019![]() Cheryl Gomez-Smith, Managing Director of ExxonMobil Kazakhstan Inc. (EMKI), speaks about a culture of safety and operations excellence at ExxonMobil and how that culture supports assets in Kazakhstan, including those which are ‘Operated-by-Others’ (OBO) Polyethylene Technology Solves Corrosion Challenge#6 (114), December 2018![]() Pipeline corrosion is a major challenge faced by the oil and gas industry around the globe, as a corroded oil or gas pipeline presents a clear risk to the environment and represents a serious liability for the companies responsible. The challenges associated with preventing the issue of corrosion is significant and obvious: with oil or gas moving through the pipeline, there is serious potential for the materials to wear down over time. Six Charts, that Explain Why Natural Gas Will be the Fuel of the Future#5 (113), October 2018![]() Certain Aspects of the Oilfield Chemistry Use in the Fields of Kazakhstan#5 (113), October 2018![]() Various recovery methods and bottom-hole zone stimulations, including the thermo-gas-chemical action, are applied in order to increase the current productivity of wells and enhanced oil recovery at the fields of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Reservoir Characterization#4 (112), September 2018![]() Award-winning technology for deepwater exploration. Inegrates with seismic data to assist with determining pre-drill subsurface hydrocarbon presence. Uses environmentally-frendly low-electromagnetic waves. The Elimination Flow Behind the Casing - the Basis of Safe Oil and Gas Wells Operation#4 (112), September 2018![]() One of the topical problems of wells safe operation is the flow behind the casing. This phenomenon poses a threat to the wellhead pressure loss, casing integrity damage, blowout, cratering, emergence of formation an anthropogenic deposits. Highly Effective Solutions for Killing Wells with AHFP#4 (112), September 2018![]() At the present stage of the oil industry development one of the main tasks is to maintain the current level of oil production. This problem is solved by increasing the volume of drilling, as well as through the intensification of the work of the old production wells at the fields. Genetic Basin Analysis#3 (111), June 2018![]() Comprehensive investigations from global to microscopic scales. Scientific rigor to collect, analyze and integrate all critical data. Explain and predict hydrocarbon distribution in space and time. Project Execution#1 (109), January 2018Experience with a vast array of world-scale oil, gas and infrastructure project. Integrated planning and concept selection for greater efficiency. Best-in-industry safety and environmental performance. From bytes to barrels#6 (108), December 2017![]() Developing energy requires a big toolbox. It relies on detailed geological surveys to find the oil and gas, high-perfomance drilling platforms to access the reservoirs and, finally, the ability to transport the crude on natural gas responsibly. | ||