Future of Tengiz
#4 (112), September 2018
TCO Future Growth Project - Wellhead Pressure Management Project is the next expansion of the Tengiz oilfield. This is a project of national significance which will make great contribution to the economy of Kazakhstan.
Exposition of Russian Manufacturers at 26th Kazakhstan Exhibition KIOGE 2018
#4 (112), September 2018
Russian Export Center (REC)offers a wide financial and non-financial support to Russian exporters in order to promote their hi-tech innovative products to the foreign markets.
Information and Analytical Center of Oil and Gas
#4 (112), September 2018
Information and Analytical Center of Oil and Gas Joint-Stock Company (IACOG) is a 100% state-owned company that performs the state function to monitor the oil and gas industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Modern Energy Efficient Approaches to Pumping Equipment for Reservoir Pressure Maintenance (RPM) Systems
#4 (112), September 2018
In order to improve energy efficiency of pumping equipment for RPM systems, Nasosenergomash Sumy JSC together with HMS Group JSC conducts energy audits of pumping systems (PS) ...
Saule Dzhundubayeva: VHI and CSHI are not Competitors but Partners
#4 (112), September 2018
Introduction of Compulsory Social Health Insurance (CSHI) in the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2019 is by far one of the most discussed topics among citizens of Kazakhstan. But professional insurance community, more specifically, health insurers, are concerned with the question: how already built system of Voluntary Health Insurance (VHI) will coexist with the newly introduced CSHIsystem? Saule Dzhundubayeva, DBA, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kazakh Corporation of Health and Medical Insurance INTERTEACH JSC expressed her opinion to Petroleum Journal regarding that issue.