Closer to the Customer: BVT Held a Technology Conference in Kazakhstan
#3 (117), June 2019
On April 4, 2019, on the eve of the Day of the Geologist, in the oil capital of Kazakhstan, Aktau, the Russian production company BVT JSC held an off-site technological conference «Advanced technologies and equipment for completion of productive layers».
The Black Blood of Kazakhstan: no Politics, Just the Facts
#6 (108), December 2017
The journalist and editor-in-chief of the Petroleum Journal Oleg Chervinskiy presented his book The Black Blood of Kazakhstan: Oil History of Independence on October 4th in Almaty during the KIOGE-2017 exhibition.
Opening of the XI KAZENERGY Eurasian Forum - the milestone in the history of EXPO – 2017
#4 (106), August 2017
The main international event of the energy sector – XI KAZENERGY Eurasian Forum on the theme “Creating the future energy” – will be held on September 7-8 2017 in Astana.
Motul presents its updated and expanded line of 6100 Technosynthese® motor oils.
#4 (106), August 2017
Modern operating conditions of cars have increased demands for motor oil. This is a consequence of traffic jams, high temperature loads and air dustiness of urban environment.
The prospects of development of health insurance in Kazakhstan
#4 (106), August 2017
Saule Jundubayeva, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Interteach Kazakh Health Care and Medical Insurance Corporation JSC, DBA (Kazakhstan, Russia, Switzerland)
«Global Oil&Gas Atyrau 2017»: It is not the Time of the «Oil Era Downhill» Yet
#3 (105), June 2017
April, 11 to 13, the largest oil industry event took place in Atyrau, the oil capital of Kazakhstan - North-Caspian regional exhibition “Global Oil&Gas Atyrau 2017”.
The opening delegation included: the Akim of Atyrau region Nurlan Nogayev, the Deputy Chairman of “KAZENERGY” Association Uzakbai Karabalin, the General Consul of Germany Jorn Rosenberg, the trade representative of the Russian Federation in Kazakhstan Alexandr Yakovlev, the General Director (Chairman of the Board) of “Atyrau Refinery” LLP Galimzhan Amanturlin, the Deputy General Director of “Embamunaigas” JSC Aibolat Gabdullin, the entrepreneur and shareholder of “Anaco”, “Atyrauneftemash”, “Zaman Energo”, “Sagat Energy”, “Belkamit” Sagat Tugelbayev, and diplomatic mission representatives and exhibition organizers.
SPE CTCE: Challenges and Changes - but also Opportunities
#6 (102), December 2016 special issue
SPE's third Caspian Technical Conference and Exhibition (CTCE), has come to a close after three packed days, having seen over 400 oil and gas professionals from IOCs and NOCs, as well as government representatives, service companies, scientists and students pass through the doors of the Palace of Independence in Astana.
Innovations in Malopolska Region, Poland
#6 (102), December 2016 special issue
Companies that who go in for innovative technologies win the market competition. Countries that go for in innovations are the leaders of economic growth, in addition to improving the living conditions of citizens. That is why innovation is the cornerstone of economic development in the EU countries, including Poland.
Germany-made Ball Valves for Kazakhstan’s Oil Industry
#6 (102), December 2016 special issue
Kazakh-German company Böhmer Armatura LLP launched its production on July 2, 2014, during the teleconference with the participation of the President Nursultan Nazarbayev. On August 30 of the same year, the President personally visited the enterprise and he highly appreciated the launch of the new facility. Since then, the Company has been developing dynamically, and over the past two years, it has reached the planned objectives.
``Made in Kazakhstan`` German-Quality Valves for Kazakhstan`s Oil& Gas Industry
#5 (101), October 2016
Kazakh-German company Böhmer Armaturen LLP launched its production on July 2, 2014, during the teleconference with the participation of the President Nursultan Nazarbayev. On August 30 of the same year, the President personally visited the enterprise and he highly appreciated the lauch of the new facility. Since then, the Company has been developing dynamically, and over the past two years, it has reached the planned objectives.
KIOGE-2016. New Possibilities of the Crisis
#5 (101), October 2016
In Almaty the 24th Kazakhstan International Oil and Gas Conference - KIOGE -2016 successfully completed its work.
The new conference format with an emphasis on practical sessions literally changed the atmosphere of the event, allowing the speakers and delegates to identify the problematic component of the industry’s daily work. The plenary session of KIOGE -2016 was devoted to the investment attractiveness of Kazakhstan’s oil and gas sector and the review of the medium-term market.
Two Exhibitions in One Venue
#3 (99), June 2016
For fifteen years one venue hosts two expo events: The North Caspian Regional Exhibition Global Oil & Gas Atyrau and the North Caspian Regional Construction Exhibition AtyrauBuild. Also this year Global Oil&Gas Atyrau - Atyrau Regional Oil & Gas Technology Conference, which took place for the tenth time, has celebrated its anniversary.
Oftum: bright world without lenses and eyeglasses
#2 (98), April 2016
According to statistics, today every third resident of the planet before 30 years of age suffers from myopia. This is the payback of humankind for the blessings of civilization that we use in the twenty-first century.
Interteach Corporation:
#2 (98), April 2016
In 1989 with the support of the European Regional Bureau of the World Health Organization (Copenhagen, Denmark) International School of Public Health was organized. Later, in 1991 school was transformed into Kazakh health and medical insurance corporation Interteach.
Technosynthese® – Unique Solution from Motul
#6 (96), December 2015
"A good partof motor transport in Russia belongs to the previous generation. Reliability of operating mechanisms becomes vital for the vehicle. By corresponding to API and ACEA standards, Motul Technosynthese ® products provide the required post-warranty protection for the cars,”- comments Andrey Laushkin, Head of Technical Department of Motul.
Summary of KIOGE-2015: Effective Exchange of Experience
#6 (96), December 2015
In the beginning of October Almaty hosted the annual oil and gas events for twenty-third time: 23-th International Conference "Oil and Gas" KIOGE-2015 and the International Exhibition KIOGE-2015. Vice Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan Magzum Mirzagaliev stated, when opening a plenary meeting of the Conference: “KIOGE is a right place to reach agreements and a springboard for implementation of promising projects.