30 years of TCO in Kazakhstan
Looking Back at History
#2 (140), April 2023 special issue
Discovery of Tengiz field
Tengiz oil field, located on the west part of Kazakhstan, was discovered in 1979. On 18 December 1979, the first well in the field gave oil from the pre-salt formation at the depth of 4045 - 4095 meters. From beginning to mid-1980’s, drilling activities were conducted intensively on the territory of the field, and more than hundred wells were drilled.
How Has TCO Become a National Driver for the Development of Kazakhstan’s Oil and Gas Industry Over the Past 30 years?
#2 (140), April 2023 special issue
Tengizchevroil (TCO), Kazakhstan's largest crude oil producer, celebrates its 30th anniversary in April. Over the years, TCO has transformed into a global producer in the oil and gas industry. This Petroleum Journal's interview with Kevin Lyon, General Director of Tengizchevroil, covers such topics as TCO's current production developments, the advancement of local talent, nationalization, as well as environmental protection efforts while increasing production.
Tengiz is in My Destiny. TCO Veterans Share Memories on the Eve of the Anniversary
#2 (140), April 2023 special issue
TCO veterans share memories on the eve of the anniversary
Myrzakuat Karabalin, retired on 03/29/2022, last position – Manager of Planning and Economic Analysis of the Field Development Department of Tengizchevroil LLP
Working with TCO as a Quality Seal for a Kazakhstani Company
#2 (140), April 2023 special issue
The key role played by Tengizchevroil (TCO) in the Kazakhstani economy is not limited to the volume of oil and gas produced. Over 30 years of operation, the joint venture has allocated more than 43 billion US dollars for the purchase of goods, works and services from Kazakhstani suppliers.
Thirty Years for the Benefit of Atyrau
#2 (140), April 2023 special issue
Simultaneously with the creation of Tengizchevroil in 1993, an extensive 5-year program with a total budget of 50 mln US dollars began, aimed at solving urgent socio-infrastructural problems of the Atyrau region. The program was called the Atyrau Bonus Fund and was funded by Chevron Corporation.
TCO Digital Transformation: From Bytes to Barrels
#2 (140), April 2023 special issue
Digital transformation in operations is much more than just the introduction of advanced technologies. It involves building a new digital culture which enables safe execution of work, continued increase of productivity and adds value throughout the value chain. Tengizchevroil adheres to this principle which allows the company to demonstrate remarkable performance.