Special Issue
MECHSTROYSERVICE JSC: The Strategy of Success
#3 (69), June 2011
Rinat Kassymov, General Director of Mechstroyservice JSC, tells about the company’s history, present day and prospects in an exclusive interview to Petroleum
- Please, tell us about the main stages of your company’s formation. What are the main accomplishments since the date of its formation?
Accident Free Perfomance. Safety is a key to efficiency
#3 (69), June 2011
«Buiding tomorrow’s innovation». This laconic slogan well reflects the ideology of JSC Меchstroyservice. And not only in the production sphere. Innovations, in fact, are not only the purchases of state-of-the-art machines and equipment, application of new technologies and advanced methods of work on the construction project.
Partners about Mechstroyservice JSC
#3 (69), June 2011
Ries Kamsteeg,
Regional Manager,
Area North & East Europe, Van Oord
- We always feel a strong sence of responsibly towards the selection of partners in our business, especially if business concerns a long-term cooperation in complex technical projects. We are aware that the company Mechstroyservice is one of the leaders in the building industry in the Kazakhstan market. It has licenses not only to conduct construction work, but also to design and survey works. Experience of MSS in the market of Kazakhstan and technology of building artificial islands, experience in managing large projects, which Van Оord owns, are, in our opinion, a very successful tandem.