Oil Generals
Cherdabayev Oil Dynasty
#1 (139), February 2023 special issue
An interview with Boris Cherdabaev, a well-known Kazakh oilman, a representative of the Cherdabaev oil dynasty, who for many years participated in the management of the largest oil projects in the country, including the Tengizchevroil JV and the national oil company KazakhOil, participated in the discovery of the largest oil fields in Kazakhstan, such as Uzen, Tengiz and Kashagan.
Honesty, respect and duty - the pillars I was raised on
#6 (126), December 2020
Kadyr Baykenov: «Tengiz has Opened the Way to Kazakhstan for Other Investors»
#2 (116), April 2019
Kadyr Karkabatovich Baykenov, Chairman of the Board of the Confederation of employers (entrepreneurs) of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the early 90s was the first Minister of Energy and Fuel Resources of Independent Kazakhstan. His name is associated with many important investment projects that laid the foundation of the country's oil and gas industry, such as the construction of the Tengiz-Novorossiysk oil pipeline, the creation of an international consortium on hydrocarbons prospecting in the Kazakhstan sector of the Caspian shelf, as well as the consortium on the development of the Karachaganak gas condensate field. But, perhaps, he considers many years of hard work, when he was one of the leaders of the negotiation group with Chevron to create a joint venture Tengizchevroil, to be the main milestone in his life. Why? He talks about this in an exclusive interview with Petroleum Journal.
Tireless Worker
#6 (114), December 2018
In the state, as a rule, there are industries that occupy a dominant position in its development.
In the Western regions of our country since the beginning of the twentieth century significant reserves of hydrocarbons have been discovered. Accelerated development of oil and gas fields, especially during the years of independence of Kazakhstan, allowed to turn the oil and gas industry into a locomotive of the country's economy.
The Tengiz Project has Become a Successful Brand in Kazakhstan
#5 (113), October 2018
This year, the oil industry of Kazakhstan celebrates an important date, the 25th anniversary of Tengizchevroil. A quarter of a century ago, on April 6, 1993, a historical agreement was concluded with Chevron transnational corporation on joint development of the giant oil field of Tengiz; it was known as the “contract of the century”.
Ravil Cherdabayev: «Tengiz Makes a Worthy Contribution to the Development of Kazakhstan»
#3 (111), June 2018
At the beginning of April of the current year the joint venture Tengizchevroil celebrated the 25 anniversary of its operation in Kazakhstan.
Mendesh Salikhov: About Nurlan Balgimbayev, Privatization of MMG and Nowadays
#5 (107), October 2017
Mendesh Salikhov is a very popular figure in oil circles, and yes, you can say legendary. In the industry, he rose from a production operator to the head of the largest oil company of the country. After resigning from the position of the President and Chairman of Mangistaumunaigas joint-stock company in 1997, he went into private business, created and managed such companies as Oil Insurance Company and CatKaz LLP oilfield service company. In addition to being a great professional, Mendesh Khalelovich is also an individual concerned, having his own opinion on all things and processes taking place in our society. In the interview to the Petroleum journal he talks about events he participated in, and also shares his thoughts on the current state of affairs in the industry.
Zhakyp Marabayev: «Kashagan Will Work for the Benefit of Future Generations»
#3 (81), June 2013
Petroleum continues its cycle of interviews “Generals”, with people who were present at the establishment of the oil and gas sector in sovereign Kazakhstan, people who, in terms of the status and authority they enjoy among their colleagues, can rightfully be called “oil generals”. Among those to whom this term can be applied in full is, in spite of his age, today’s guest.
He is just 50, and in 1993, when, along with Kadyr Baikenov and Baltabek Kuandykov, he was included by the head of state in the process of organizing the international consortium to carry out prospecting work in the Caspian Sea, he was just 31. In 1997 he was given the medal “For special services” by the president for this work, and was later awarded the order of “Kurmet”. Zhakyp Marabayev now works as deputy managing director of the company NCOC, and on the eve of the launch of commercial production at Kashagan he recalls how it all began.
The Discoverer
#1 (67), February 2011
Sukhan Maksutovich Kamalov is an explorer and pioneer of the deposits in his native land – the Ural region. He is seventy five today. His glorious biography of a noted scientist, an excellent industrial executive and organizer became part of our country’s history.