Focus of the issue: replenishment of stocks
If We Want to Use Earnings from the Resources in 35 years, We Should Prepare Now
#6 (84), December 2013
Bazarbay Nurabayev, the Chairman of the Geology and Subsoil Committee of the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, answers to Petroleum’s questions.
- Bazarbay Kanaevich, how is the geological sector of the country today?
National Geologic Data Bank as a Mechanism to Attract New Investments
#6 (84), December 2013
To attract investments in exploration is one of the priorities of the Government that were set by the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, as of September 2 of this year at a joint session of the Chambers of the Republic’s Parliament.
Eurasian Consortium. Kazakhstan Suggested the Investors to Look for the Second Kashagan on Shore History Repeats Itself in a Spiral
#6 (84), December 2013
History keeps repeating itself like a spiral.
Twenty years ago the head of the State Company Kazakhstankaspiyshelf Mr. Baltabek Kuandykov was behind the creation of the international Consortium for the exploration on the shelf of the Kazakhstan sector of the Caspian Sea.
Complex Study of Sedimentary Basins is the Basis for Effective Forecast of the Oil and Gas Content in New Territories
#6 (84), December 2013
Forecast of the oil and gas content in new territories and expansion of the resource potential on the basis of the oil and gas field exploration is one of the key objectives of the oil and gas industry. It is commonly known that in 2012 Kazakhstan achieved the oil production level equal to 80 million tons. It is expected to increase this indicator by 1.5-2 times in the coming ten years according to the long-term development plans.
Government Takes Initiatives to Change Subsoil Use Laws
#6 (84), December 2013
I’ve accepted the proposal to inform the readers of Petroleum about the changes to the law “On subsoil and subsoil use” (hereinafter referred to as the Law), prepared by the Government as I was a member of the working group and I participated in its development.