The Issue’s Focus: Technology
Our Global Operations
#1 (97), February 2016
As the world`s largest publicly held oil and gas company, ExxonMobil has a diverse and balanced portfolio of high-quality resourses, projects, and assets across our Upstream, Downstream, and Chemical businesses.
Space Technology at the Service of the Oil-industry
#1 (97), February 2016
Coincidentally, that Kazakhstan is now actively involved in space exploration and seriously set about searching for new oil fields imbedded at great depths. What unites these two areas? As it turned out, space technology has long been used by oil and gas companies for geological exploration and to monitor the condition of pipe lines, as well as many other tasks. President of JSC "National Center of Space Research and Technology" Zhumabek Zhantaev told in an interview to the Petroleum not only about what outer space has to offer to the oil industry, but also about the work done in Karachaganak and Tengiz.
How to Improve the Effectiveness of the Industrial Equipment of Oil Producing Companies
#1 (97), February 2016
To ensure the smooth operation of the equipment is one of the most important tasks for any industrial enterprise. Even a small unplanned stop of an industrial complex, caused by failure of equipment, can result in significant financial costs and environmental issues affecting the company, nature and people.