#3 (105), June 2017
Historical milestones of the oil industry origin in Kazakhstan are the dates, when the oil was discovered in 1899 at Karashungul, the oil presence was proven and, hence, the production at the Dossor (in 1911) and Makat fields (in 1915) was started. Thus, the Embaneft is the oldest oil producing enterprise in the country, which recently celebrated its 95th anniversary.
Black Gold of Independence
#2 (104), April 2017 special issue
Petroleum Magazine and Ratel analytical internet website on the eve of the 25 anniversary of Independence produced a special series of publications under the general heading Black Gold of Independence. We offer our readers remember how and in what circumstances arose and found feet of the oil and gas industry of independent Kazakhstan. Full cycle can be read on the website
Black Gold of Independence
#1 (103), February 2017
Petroleum Magazine and Ratel analytical internet website on the eve of the 25 anniversary of Independence produced a special series of publications under the general heading Black Gold of Independence. We offer our readers remember how and in what circumstances arose and found feet of the oil and gas industry of independent Kazakhstan. Full cycle can be read on the website